NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Main Course Book Unit 2 Education Chapter 3 Inclusive Education

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NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Main Course Book Unit 2 Education Chapter 3 Inclusive Education

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Main Course Book Unit 2 Education Chapter 3 Inclusive Education are part of NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Main Course Book. Here we have given CBSE Class 10 English Main Course Book Unit 2 Education Chapter 3 Inclusive Education.

CBSE Class 10 English Main Course Book Unit 2 Education Chapter 3 Inclusive Education


Question 1.
Discuss in groups of four, the following questions :

  • What was wrong with Fox’s school initially ?
  • What were the reasons for improvement in the results ?
  • Do you think the schools in the present day resemble Fox’s school ? If yes / no say how ?
  • Can the Bat’s advice be extended to present day schools ? If yes, how ? If no, why ?

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Question 2.
Discuss within your group in what way is the story of the Fox’s school applicable to your classroom. How can the issue of inclusion of students with different abilities be addressed in the best possible way ?
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Question 3.
What does the term “inclusive education” mean to you ?
To me the term “inclusive education” means …………………………….
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Question 4.
Read the poem given below :
I am SPECIAL, and so are You
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Question 5.
Based on your understanding of the poem, have a group discussion on the topic : ‘Inclusion means acceptance of diversity in a classroom. ’ After having the discussion, a member of each group will make a brief presentation to the class, giving the views and opinions of the group.
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Question 6.
Working in groups, illustrate the poem. Put up your illustrations on the class notice board under catchy titles.
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Question 7.
Now read the news story given below.
West Bengal Boy is World’s Youngest Headmaster
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Question 8.
On the basis of your reading of the above text complete the following sentences:

  1. What makes Babar Ali’s tale extraordinary is ___________
  2. That Babar Ali values his education is evident ___________
  3. In spite of the fact that he studies in a government school, receiving an education is not easy because : (a) ___________ (b) ___________
  4. Chumki is likely to achieve her dream of becoming a nurse because she has the qualities of : (a) ___________ (b) ___________
  5. The poor infrastructure that the students of Babar Ali’s school study in is obvious from ___________
  6. It is ironical that though the poor children are hungry for knowledge ___________

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Question 9.
Find one word or phrase from the passage that means the same as the following :

(a) extremely serious, bad or terrible (para 1-3)
(b) to give enthusiastic support (para 4-5)
(c) lanky (para 6-8)
(d) to leave to go to another place (para 13-14)
(e) wobbly (para 16-17) .
(f) to write something hastily or untidily (para 22-23)
(g) very difficult to believe (para 23-25)
(h) scamper (para 27-28)
(i) heavy shower (para 28)

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Question 10.
Smt. Anju Kar, Minister (Mass Education), West Bengal comes across BBC’s story of Babar Ali’s remarkable achievements transforming the lives of hundreds of poor children.
She writes a letter to him lauding his extraordinary efforts and undeterred spirit of reform in the face of adversity. She also promises support, both financial and academic to him. As Anju Kar, write the letter to Babar Ali.
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Question 11.
Writing a Biosketch
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Question 12.
Listen carefully to a speech by Steven Jobs.
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We hope the NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Main Course Book Unit 2 Education Chapter 3 Inclusive Education help you. If you have any query regarding CBSE Class 10 English Main Course Book Unit 2 Education Chapter 3 Inclusive Education, drop a comment below and we will get back to you at the earliest.

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