CBSE Social Science History Class 10 Work, Life and Leisure LAQ

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CBSE Social Science History Class 10 Work, Life and Leisure LAQ

NCERT Solutions LAQ Q.1. Mention the major characteristics of an ancient town. [CBSE Sept. 2010. 2012]
Ans. (i) The towns and the Cities that first appeared along the river valleys like Ur and Mohenjodaro were larger in scale than other human settlements.
(ii) These cities were the centres of political power, administrative network, trade and industry, religious institutions and intellectual activities.
(iii) These cities supported various social group such as artisans, merchant; and priests
(iv) These cities varied greatly in size and complexity. Some were metropolises and oilier; smaller urban centres.
(v) Industrialisation played an important role in the expansion of cities.

Q.2. Explain with examples how has industrialisation changed the form of urbanisation In England in the modem period.[CBSE 2010]
Ans. (i)Towns and Cities that first appeared along river valleys, such as Ur. Nippur and Mohenjodaro. were larger in scale than other human settlements.
(ii) The ancient cities could develop only when an increase in food supplies made it possible to support A wide range of non-food producers.
(iii) The cities were often the centre; of political power, administrative networks, trade and industry, religious institutions, and intellectual activity, and supported various social groups such as artisans, merchants and priests. But the industrialisation changed the form of urbanisation. The modern towns like London. Leeds. Manchester developed because they attracted large number of workers to the textile mills.
(iv) The city of London became a powerful magnet for migrant populations, even though it did not hove large factories.

Q.3.What did historian Gareth Stedman Jones say about the ‘City of London ? [CBSE 2013]
Ans. (i) London was a city of clerks and shopkeepers.
(ii) It was a city of small masters and skilled artisans.
(in) It was a city of growing number of semi skilled and sweated out workers, of soldiers and servants, of casual labourers, street sellers and beggars.
(iv)Apart from the London dockyards, five major types of industries that employed large number of people were : Clothing and footwear, wood and furniture, metals and engineering, printing and stationery and precision products such as surgical instruments, watches and objects of precious metal.
(v) During the Fire World War. London began manufacturing motor care and electrical goods and the number of large factories increased until they accounted for nearly one- third of all jobs in the city.

Q.4. Explain the rise of London as a modem city.
Explain the expansion of London over nineteenth century. [CBSE2008 Comp. ID]
Explain any three reasons for which the population of London expanded during the 19th century. {CBSE Sept. 2010. 2011}
Ans.(i)By 1750, one out of every nine people of England and Wales lived in London. It was a colossal city with a population of about 6,75,000.
(ii)Over the nineteenth century. London continued to expand Its population multiplied fourfold in the 70 years between 1810 and I860, increasing from 1 million to about 4 million.
(iii) The city of London was a powerful magnet for migrant populations, even though it did not have large factories.
(iv) The nineteenth century London, was a city of clerks and shopkeepers, of small masters and skilled artisans, of a growing number of semi skilled and sweated out workers, of soldiers and servants, of casual labourers, street-sellers and beggars.
(v) During the First World War (1914-18). London began manufacturing motor cars and electrical goods, and the number of large factories increased until they accounted for nearly one-third of all Jobs in the city.

Q.5. Explain any four characteristics of marginal groups in London. [CBSE Sept. 2010]
Ans. (i) Most of the poor people were criminals who lived by stealing.
(ii) A large number of women worked ir. factories in the late 18th and the early 19th century.
(iii) With technological developments, women gradually lost their industrial jobs, and were forced to work within the households, (iv) Large number of children were pushed into low-paid work by their parents.
(v) Factories employed large number of women in the late lfi1 and early 1911 century.

Q.6. Describe three main features of Charles Booth’s first social survey of low skilled London workers. [CBSE 2013]
Ans. (i) Charles Booth conducted the first social survey of low-skilled London workers the East End of London. He found that about 1 million Londoners i.e. about one-fifth of the population of London at the rime, were very poor.
(ii) These poor people were expected to live only upto an average age of 29 in comparison to the average life expectancy of 55 among the gentry and middle classes.
(iii) These people were more than likely to die in a workhouse, hospital or lunatic asylum.
(iv) He concluded that London needed the rebuilding of at least 4,00,000 rooms to house its poorest citizens.
(v) For a while the better-off city dwellers continued to demand that slums simply be cleared away. But gradually, a large number of people began to recognise the need for housing for the poor.

Q 7. Explain any five steps taken to clean up London in the 19th century. [CBSE 2010 (D). Sept. 2010. 11. 12. 13]
Ans. (i) Housing problem: The most important problem of London was housing the migrants. To house the new migrants and workers large block of apartments were built.
(ii) Principle of Garden City and Green Belt: Architect and planner Ebenezer Howard developed the principle of the Garden city, a pleasant space full of plants and trees, where people would both live ar.c work. Many architects also supported the idea of Green Belt around London
(iii) Housing and British government: Between the two World Wars (1919-391 the responsibility for housing the working classes was accepted by the British state, and a million houses, most of them single – family- cottages. were built by local authorities. Meanwhile, the City had extended beyond the range where people could walk to work, and the development of suburbs made new forms of mass transport absolutely necessary.
(iv) New transport system: The London underground railway was built to carry- people to arid fro the city. As a result the population of the city became more dispersed.
(v) Control over Criminalisation: To check the growth of criminalisation. the population of criminals was counted, their activities ware watched, and their ways of life were investigated. In an attempt to discipline the population, the authorities imposed high penalties for crime and offered work to those who were considered the deserving poor.

Q.8. “The function and the shape of the family were completely transformed by life in the industrial city”. Explain by giving examples. [CBSE Sept. 2014]
Ans. (i) Family In the 18th century: In the 18th century, (under proto- industralisation) the family had been a unit of production and consumption as well as of political decision making
(ii) Family under industrialisation: Ties between members of households loosened, and among the working class the institution of marriage tended to break down. Women of the upper and middle daises in Britain, on Use other hand, fared increasingly higher levels of isolation, although their Lives were made easier by domestic maids who cooked, cleaned and cared for young children on low wages.
(iii) Individualism: The city no doubt encouraged a new spirit of individualism among both men and women, and a freedom from the collective values that were a feature of the smaller rural communities
(iv) Family and role of women: Men and women did not have equal access to this new urban space As women lost their industrial jobs and conservative people railed again?: their presence in public spaces women were forced to withdraw into their homes. The public space became increasingly a male preserve, and the domestic sphere was seen as the proper place for women Most political movements of the nineteenth centuiy. such as Chartism (a movement demanding the vote for all adult males) and the 10-hour movement (limiting hours of work in factories), mobilised large number of men Only gradually did women come to participate in political movements for suffrage that demanded the right to vote for women or for named women’s right to property.
(v) Family and market: By the 20th century family now consisted of much smaller units but it became the heart of new market of goods and services and of ideas.

Q.9. When and where was the very first section of the underground railway in the world opened ? Describe in brief the difficulties of travelling in that underground railway ? (CBSE 2010 (O), Sept. 2012)
Ans. The first section of the underground railway :n the world was opened on 10th January, 1863 between Paddington and Farrington street in London.
(i)People were afraid to travel under ground.
(ii)The compartments were overcrowded and polluted by smoke.
(iii) The atmosphere was a mixture of sulphur, coal and dust with foul fumes from the gas lamps.
(iv)Many felt that the iron monsters added to the mess and unhealthiness of the city,
(v)Suffocation due to lack of oxygen supply and heat.

Q.10. ‘The London underground railway eventually became a huge success.’ Explain.
How far was underground railway able to solve transport problems as well as housing crisis in London in nineteenth century ? [CBSE 2009 (F)]
Ans. (i) By 1880 the expanded train service was carrying about 40 million passengers a year.
(ii)By the 20th century most of large metropolises such as New York, Tokyo, etc. built underground railway.
(iii) Population in the city became more dispersed as now it was easy to travel.
(iv) The new transport system broke down social distinctions.
(v)The severe housing shortage problems of London to some extent were solved

Q.11. What were the sources of leisure for the London city life? [CBSE Sept. 2012]
What was the tradition of ‘London Season’ ? Explain different forms of entertainment that came up in 19th century England to provide leisure activities for the people ? (CBSE 2009 (0))
What forms of entertainment came up in the 19th century in England to provide leisure activities ?
[CBSE Sept. 2010. 2013]
Mow did the people entertain themselves in their leisure time in urban Britain in the 19th century ? [CBSE Sept. 2010]
How did the people of all classes entertain themselves in their leisure time in Urban Britain after industrialisation ? (CBSE Sept. 2011)
Ans. (i) London Season : For wealthy Britishers there had long been an annual ‘London Season. Several cultural events, such as the opera, the theatre and the classical music performances were organised for an elite group of 300-400 families in the late eighteenth century.
(ii) Pleasure gardens : Pleasure gardens came in the 19th century to provide facilities for sports,entertainment and refreshments for the well-to-do.
(iii) Pubs for working class : Working classes met in pubs to have a drink: exchange news and sometimes, also to organise for political action.
(iii) Libraries and museums : Libraries, art galleries and museums were established in the nineteenth century to provide people with a sense of history and pride in the achievements of the British.
(iv) Music halls and cinemas : Music hails were popular among the lower classes and, by the early twentieth century, cinema became the great mass entertainment for the mixed audiences
(vi) Beaches : British industrial workers were increasingly encouraged to spend their holidays by the sea. so as to derive the benefits of the sun and the bracing winds

Q.12. Explain the lifestyle of workers of mid-nineteenth century in Britain.
Ans. (i) Seasonal work : In most of the industries, the demand for labour was seasonal. The actual possibility of getting a job depended on existing networks of friendship and kin relations.
(ii) Low wages : The workers were getting very low wages.At the best of times till the mid-nineteenth century, about 10% of the population was extremely poor.
(iii) Women workers : Factories employed large number of women. With technological development women gradually lost their industrial jobs.
(iv) Problem of Housing : Most of the workers were living in slums. Factory or workshop owners did not house the migrant workers,
(v) Source of Fun and Leisure : For the poor workers the streets often were the only place for rest, leisure and fun. The working poor created spaces of entertainment wherever they lived.

Q.13. ‘A large city population was thus both a threat and an opportunity.’ Explain.
Ans. A large city population led to development of new means of transportation.
(i) A large city population provided a wide market to the industry.
(ii) In the severe winter of 1886. when outdoor work came to a standstill, the London poor exploded in a riot, demanding relief from the terrible conditions of poverty. Alarmed shopkeepers closed down their establishments, fearing the 10,000-strong crowd that was marching from Deptford to London. The marchers had to be dispersed by the police.
(iii) A similar not occurred in late 1SS7. This rime, it was brutally suppressed by the police in what came to be known as ihe Bloody Sunday of November 1887.

Q.14. “City development everywhere occurred at the expense of ecology”. Justify.
“City development everywhere occured at the expense of ecology and the environment.” Explain.
Ans. (i) To develop Cities natural features were flattened out or transformed in response to the growing demand for space tor factories, housing and other institutions.
(ii) Large quantities of refuse and waste products polluted air and water, while excessive noise became a feature of urban life.
(iii) The widespread use of coal in homes and industries in nineteenth century England raised serious problems. In industrial cities such as Leeds, Bradford and Manchester, hundreds of factory chimneys spewed black smoke into the skies.
(iv) Shopkeepers, home owners and others complained about the black fog that descended on their towns, causing bad tampers, smoke-related illnesses, and dirty clothes.
(v) The vast mass of one room houses occupied by the poor wore a serious threat to public health.

Q.15. Describe in brief the development of Bombay (Mumbai) as the Prime city of India.
Ans. (i) In the seventeenth century. Bombay was a group of seven islands under Portuguese control. In 1661. control of the islands passed into British hands after the marriage of Britain’s King Charles II to the Portuguese princess.
(ii) The East India Company quickly shifted its base from Surat, its principal western port, to Bombay.
(iii) At first Bombay was the major outlet for cotton textiles from Gujarat.
(iv) Later, in the nineteenth century, the city functioned as a port through which large quantities of raw materials such as cotton and opium would pass.
(v) Gradually, it also became an important administrative centre in western India, and then, by the end of the nineteenth century, a major industrial centre.
(vi) Bombay became the capital of the Bombay Presidency in 1819 after the Maratha defeat in the Anglo – Maratha war. The city quickly expanded. With the growth of trade in cotton and opium, large communities of traders and bankers as well os artisans and shopkeepers came to settle in Bombay. The establishment of textile mills led to a fresh surge ill migration.

Q.16. Explain the factors which led to the expansion of Bombay.
Explain what led to the expansion of Bombay’s population in the mid 19th century.
Ans. (i) Bombay as capital city : Bombay became the capital of the Bombay Presidency in 1519. after the Maratha defeat in the Anglo – Maratha war. The city quickly expanded. With the growth of trade in cotton and opium, large communities of traders and bankers as well as artisans and shopkeepers came to settle in Bombay.
(ii) Industrialisation: The establishment of textile mills led to a fresh surge in migration. The first cotton textile mill in Bombay was established in 1854. By 1921, there were So cotton mills with about 1,46,000 workers. Only about one-fourth of Bombay’s inhabitants between 1881 and 1931 were born in Bombay ,the rest came from outside. Large numbers flowed in from the nearby district of Ratnagiri to work in the Bombay mills.
(iii) Introduction of railways: The first railway was introduced from Bombay to Thane in 1853 It was at the junction head of two major railways. The development of railway encouraged an even higher scale of migration into the city.
(iv) Famines: Famines in the dry regions of Kutch drove large number of people into Bombay in 1888-89. The flood of migrants in some years created panic and alarm in official circles.
(e) Bombay as a film city: By 1925. Bombay had become India’s film capital. Most of the people in the film industry were themselves migrants who came from cities like Lahore. Calcutta. Madras, etc

Q.17. What were chawls? Mention major features of chawls.
The chawls ol Bombay were a small cosmopolitan community in themselves. Explain. [CBSE 2014]
Ans.(i) Chawls were multi storeyed structure had been built from atleast the l860s in the native parts of the town.
(ii) Like the tenements in London, these houses were largely owned by private landlords, such as merchants, bankers, and building contractors, looking for quick ways of earning money from anxious migrants.
(iii) Each chawl was divided into smaller one- room tenements which had no private toiler.
(iv) Ttiete was an open, space in the middle of chawls for social and cultural gatherings.
(v) People who belonged to the ‘depressed classes’ found it even more difficult to find housing. Lower castes were kept out of many chawls and often had to live in shelters made of corrugated sheets, leaves, or bamboo poles.

Q.18. Explain the housing problem of Bombay (Mumbai).
Ans. (i) Bombay (Mumbai) was a crowded city because a person living in Bombay had a mere 9.5 square yards of space
(ii) About 70 per cent of the working people lived in the thickly populated chawls of Bombay (Mumbai). Chawls were multi storeyed structures, built since 1860s in the native parts of the town.
(iii) The homes were small, so the streets and neighbourhood were used for a variety of activities and social functions.
(iv)People belonging to the depressed classes, found ft very difficult to find houses.

Q.19. Explain the various land reclamation projects launched in Bombay (Mumbai) which helped in its expansion. [CBSE Sept 2010. 2011]
Throw light on some of the land reclamation projects of Bombay.[CBSE Sept. 2010. 2012]
Ans. (i)A project was launched in 1754 to join the seven islands of Bombay into one landmass. Then the Governor of Bombay. William Hornby approved the building of the great sea wall to prevent the Hooding of The low lying areas of Bombay,
(ii) In 1864. the Back Bay Reclamation Company won the right to reclaim the western foreshore from the tip of Malabar Hill to the end of Colaba Most of the hills were levelled by the company to construct buildings.
(iii) By the 1870s, although most of the private companies closed down duo to the mounting cost, the city had expanded to about 22 square miles.
(iv) The Bombay Port Trust, also launched a reclamation project to build a dry dock between 1914 and 1918 The Trust used the excavated earth to create the 22 acre Ballard Estate. Subsequently, the famous Marine Drive of Bombay (Mumbai) was developed.

Q 20 Why is Mumbai (Bombay) known as the city of dreams ? Give three reasons. [CBSE 2008(D) 2010. 2011]
“Bombay appears to many as a city of dreams-Mayapuri.- Explain by giving examples. [CBSE Sept. 2010]
Ans. (i) Film industry : Bombay film industry has contributed in a big way to produce an —age of City as a blend of dream and reality, it is Indias film capital providing employment to more than 10 lakh people.
Most of the people in the film industry were themselves migrants and became successful. This has encouraged more migration.
(ii) Employment : Bombay is one of the most important industrial towns of India providing employment to skilled, and unskilled workers. It also provides employment lo women workers.
(iii) Spacious bungalows : Film producers heroes and industrialists live in sprawling spacious bungalows which attract large number of migrants to the city.

Q-21. Why is Bombay (Mumbai) known as the city of hardship? {CBSE Sep:. 2011}
Ans. (i) Housing problems : Bombay Mumbai is a crowded city. Rich, traders, film producers, etc., live in sprawling spacious bungalows whereas 70% of the working people live in thickly populated chawls.
(ii) Class division : People who belonged to the depressed classes found it difficult to find housing. Lower castes were kept out of many chawls.
(iii) Film industry : Many Bombay (Mumbai films dealt with the arrival in the city of new migrants and their encounters with the real pressures of daily life.
(iv) Pollution : City development everywhere occurred at the expense of ecology and the environment Natural features were flattened out or transformed in response to the growing demand for space for factories, housing and other institutions. Large quantities of refuse and waste products polluted air and water, while excessive none became a regular feature of urban life
(v) Wide gap between rich and poor : Bombay Fort area which formed the heart of the city in early 1 SCO’s was divided between a native loan where most of the Indians lived, and a European or white section’. The gap between natives and whites and rich was poor was very wide.

Q.22. Explain the social life of people living In Bombay (Mumbai).
Highlight the principal features of the social life of people living in Bombay.
Ans. (i) Overcrowded city: Bombay was a crowded city. While every Londoner in the :840s enjoyed an average space of 155 square yards. Bombay had a mere 9.5 square yards. By 1872. when London had an average of 8 persons per house, the density in Bombay was as high as 20
(ii) Separate living areas for the natives and the white: The Bombay Fort area which formed the heart of the city in the early 1800s was divided between a ‘native’ town, where most of the indians lived, and a European or ‘while section. A European suburb and an industrial zone began to develop to the north of the Fort settlement area, with a similar suburb and cantonment in the south.
(iii) Living space for the rich: Like the European elite, the richer Parsi. Muslim and upper case traders and industrialists of Bombay lived in sprawling, spacious bungalows In contrast, more than 70 per cent of the working people lived in the thickly populated chawls of Bombay.
(iv) Life in chawls: More than 70 per cent of the working people lived in the thickly populated chawls of Bombay.
(v) Depressed classes and housing problem: People who belonged to the ‘depressed classes’ found it even more difficult to find housing. Lower castes were kept out of many chawls and often had to live in shelters made of corrugated sheets, leaves, or bamboo poles.

Q.23.How was the social life of the people transformed because of city life ? Explain.
How was the condition of urban family transformed by the 20th century ? [CBSE 2013]
Ans. (i)City life and the migrants : The new dries attracted large number of migrants. As there was shortage of work so many of them made a living from crime.
(ii) City life and children : Large number of children were pushed into low paid work, often by their parents. As they were underpaid so many of them also .Mailed making their living from crime, it was only after the passage of -he compulsory Elementary Education Act in 1870 and the Factories Act that children were kept out of industrial work.
(iii) Industrialisation and life of workers : The abundance of labour in the market affected the lives of worker As news of possible jobs travelled to the countryside, hundreds tramped to the c:ties. Many job classmate seekers had to wait weeks, spending nights under bridges or in night shelter.
(iv) City life and individualism : The city no doubt encouraged a new spirit of individualism among both men and women, and a freedom from the collective values that were a feature of the smaller rural communities.
(v) City life and women : Men and women did not have equal access to this new urban space. As women lost their industrial jobs and conservative people railed against their presence in public spaces, women were forced to withdraw into Shier homes The public space became increasingly a male preserve, and the domestic sphere was seen as the proper place for women.

Q.24. “Bombay films, have contributed in a big way to produce an image of the city as a blend of dream and reality, of slums and star bungalows.’ Explain.
Ans. (i) Film industry : Bombay (Mumbai has always been associated with the film industry, and is popular as a city of dreams. The film industry provides employment to more than 10 lakh people.
Many Bombay films deal with the arrival in the city of new migrants and their encounters with the real pressures of daily life.
(ii) Songs : Some popular songs from the Bombay film industry also speak about city’s life. For example, a song from ‘Guest House (1959) ; ‘Jiska juta usika sar,dil hai chote beda shahor,re vah re vah teri Bombia’ (Bombay, you city what a place ! Here one gets beaten with one’s own shoes! The city is big but peoples hearts are small!)
(iii) Migrants and Film Industry: Most of the people in the film industry were themselves migrants who came from cities like Lahore, Calcutta (Kolkata),Madras Chennai and contributed to the national character of tint industry. Those, who came from Lahore and Punjab, were especially important for the development of the Hindi film industry Many famous writers, like Ismat Chughtai and Saadat Hasan Manto, were associated with the popular Hindi Cinema.
(iv) Big spacious bungalows : Most of me industrialists, film producers, heroes and rich people live in sprawling spacious bungalows which attract large number of people.

Q.25. Explain the major features of the cities of colonial India.
Ans. (i) The pace of urbanisation was slow under the colonial rule Till the early 20th century, approximately only 11 per cent of Indians were living in cities, and most of these were from the three Presidency cities.
(ii) These were multifunctional cities because they had major ports, warehouses, homes and offices, army comps, educational institutions, museums and libraries.
(iii)Bombay (Mumbai) was the Premier city of India and it expanded rapidly.

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