Category: 1SEO Tutorial

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Open Graph Meta Tags

Open Graph Meta Tags Open Graph Meta Tags are snippets of text that are used to communicate a page’s content with social media (such as Facebook and Twitter). It allows integration of your site and Facebook and tells what content shows up when you share a page on Facebook. They are slightly different than standard…
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Miscellaneous Meta Tags

Miscellaneous Meta Tags Apart from title, description and meta keywords meta tags there are various other miscellaneous meta tags that provide specific information to the web spider. These tags are also incorporated within the head section of a code. Some of these tags are as follow: Author Meta Tag <meta name= “author” content=””> This tag is used to display…
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Meta Tags

Meta Tags The meta tag represents the Meta-data as well as provides information about the HTML document. The content contained in the Meta tags is not displayed on the web page; it is used by browsers and search engines to get information about the page. So, meta tags are the HTML tags, which provide information…
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Canonical Tag

Canonical Tag Canonical Tag is also known as canonical URL or URL canonicalization. It is incorporated in the HTML code of a webpage to show the original source of content. So, it is an HTML element that is used to prevent duplicate content issues. It specifies the canonical URL “the preferred version” of a web…
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What is an SEO-optimized Domain Name?

What is an SEO-optimized Domain Name? An SEO-optimized domain name is a domain name that introduces your website and tells search engines and users what your website is about, or about the type of products and services it offers, etc. Such domains are more likely to stand out in the search result listings and to…
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Headings/ Headings Tags

Headings/ Headings Tags Heading tags refer to the headings of the different paragraphs or sections of a page. A heading differentiates a particular section or paragraph from the rest of the page and makes it more readable and organized. There can be a maximum of six heading tags, which ranges from H1 to H6 and…
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Meta Keywords

Meta Keywords It refers to a brief list of the most important keywords and phrases of your webpage. They are a specific type of meta tag that appears in the HTML code of a Web page. These tags are different from regular keywords as they appear “behind the scenes” in the source code of your…
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What is Meta Description?

What is Meta Description?   Meta description is a short paragraph that is placed in the HTML code of a webpage. It is a kind of advertising copy that briefly describes the content of your page. The meta description appears under the URL of your page in search engine result pages. It is also known…
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Page Title Tag

Page Title Tag   It is an HTML element that specifies the title of a web page. It is one of the meta tags that represents the title of your web page and found in the <head> section of the HTML code of your web page. It is displayed on the title bar of your…
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What is On-page SEO

What is On-page SEO On page optimization refers to all measures taken by SEOs within the website to improve the ranking of a site in search engine result pages. These measures are related to content and HTML source code of a page, e.g., meta tags, keyword placement, and keyword density including the technical set-up, the…
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