Social Bookmark Submission
Social bookmark submission is an off-page optimization activity that enables you to store your links on online bookmarking sites. These links or bookmarks are the tagged pages on the web that can be accessed from any computer with internet access. Thus, every such bookmark acts as a backlink that helps improve the SEO of a site.
These stored links are considered quality backlinks as in most the bookmarking sites you can give a title to your URL and can also add related descriptions and keywords. Thus, the title is stored with the link which acts as an anchor text for the backlink. You can also incorporate your main keywords in the title to transform your social bookmark into a keyword-anchored backlink.
Some of the popular social bookmarking sites are,,,, and
Social bookmark submission benefits
Increases website traffic: It helps you get lots of free website traffic as bookmarking sites are visited by hundreds of visitors daily. If your content is good these visitors will click on the link and visit your site for more information.
Free online promotion: You can promote your products or links free of cost as social bookmarking sites do not charge for their services.
Quality Backlinks: It helps build permanent and quality backlinks as most social bookmarking sites allow webmasters to create backlinks for their sites.
Improve Google PageRank: The backlinks generated by bookmarking your web pages on social networking sites help improve your Google PageRank.
Faster indexing: Social bookmarking sites are known for fresh and useful content and are frequently visited by search engines. So, if your content is useful and users are sharing it then the search engine will index your link quickly.
Portability and Security: It enables you to secure and remember your favorite web pages. You can access your stored web pages online from anywhere with any computer. Thus, you will not lose important information that you have stored on social bookmarking sites.