How to Find and Remove Duplicates in Microsoft Excel?

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How to Find and Remove Duplicates in Microsoft Excel?

Finding Duplicates

1. For finding the duplicates, we will be utilizing the conditional formatting function. In this example, we need to discover if any name has been frequently. So first, we will choose the Name column.

How to Find and Remove Duplicates in Microsoft Excel

2. Press on the conditional formatting option accessible at the right-hand side of the home icon.

How to Find and Remove Duplicates in Microsoft Excel

3. When we press on the dropdown of conditional formatting, we will take different options. Select the first option ‘Highlight Cells Rules’ and the sub-option as ‘Duplicate Values.’

How to Find and Remove Duplicates in Microsoft Excel

4. We will view a duplicate values dialog box, whereas we can choose our formatting option. In this case, we choose ‘Light Red Fill with Dark Red Text.’

How to Find and Remove Duplicates in Microsoft Excel

5. Press on OK, and we will view that the duplicate names have been highlighted in red color.

How to Find and Remove Duplicates in Microsoft Excel

Remove Duplicates

1. We will use a similar example as above for information the removal of duplicates. To remove the duplicates, choose a random cell and select the option of Remove Duplicates from the Data tab in the ribbon.

How to Find and Remove Duplicates in Microsoft Excel

2. The following dialog box shows up.

3. Leave all checkboxes checked and press OK.

How to Find and Remove Duplicates in Microsoft Excel

4. After Clicking OK, all the duplicate values are removed, a pop up will occur, informing us about the duplicates removed and the unique values that remain. As noticed above Rahul remains since the Gender mentioned is different.

How to Find and Remove Duplicates in Microsoft Excel

5. If we want to delete all values which have a similar name and gender change. Click 2nd step just unmark the Column B checkbox.

How to Find and Remove Duplicates in Microsoft Excel

6. After Pressing on OK, we will see that even the row with Rahul as the name has been deleted.

How to Find and Remove Duplicates in Microsoft Excel


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