Category: MS Excel Tutorial

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Title Bar, Help Button, Zoom Control and View Buttons

Title Bar, Help Button, Zoom Control and View Buttons Title Bar It lies next to the quick access toolbar or on top of the excel window. It displays the name of the open document. Help Button It lies on top right corner of the excel window beside the option to minimize the window. It is…
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Mini Toolbar in Excel

Mini Toolbar in Excel It is a floating toolbar that appears above the shortcut menu when you right click a cell or other objects like a shape or chart. It displays commonly used formatting commands like Bold, Italics, Font Size and Font Color.

Quick Access Toolbar in Excel

Quick Access Toolbar in Excel It is a customizable toolbar located beside the quick access button and above the home tab. When you click the down arrow at the end of quick access toolbar it displays more commands. You can add any of these commands to quick access toolbar by a left click on the…
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Features of the Tabs in Excel

Features of the Tabs in Excel There are many tabs available in Microsoft Excel: Home, Insert, Page Layout, Formula, Data, Review and View. Each tab has different features. The features of the Home tab are: Clipboard, Font, Alignment, Number, Cells and Editing The features of the Insert tab are: Tables, Illustrations, Charts, Links, Text The…
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Ribbon and Tabs in Excel

Ribbon and Tabs in Excel Ribbon is on the top of worksheet, below the title bar or name of the excel file. It contains seven tabs: Home, Insert, Page Layout, Formulas, Data, Review and View. Each tab has its own specific groups of related commands. These groups have several additional commands that can be viewed…
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Office Button in Excel

Office Button in Excel It is on the top left-corner of excel. When the office button is clicked, you will find a number of options to perform various tasks that are listed below: New: To create a new file. Open: To open an existing file on the computer. Save: To save changes made in the…
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Excel vs. Google Sheets Microsoft Excel

Excel vs. Google Sheets Microsoft Excel MS Excel is the spreadsheet program developed by Microsoft that helps in doing data storage, data manipulation, and data mining and to bring out the information which can help in the strategic decision-making process. Google Sheet It is similar to MS Excel, and Google Sheet is also a spreadsheet…
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What is Microsoft Excel Online?

What is Microsoft Excel Online? Microsoft Excel Online is a free and online version of Excel that contains the functions, chart tools, and more that we have expected from the spreadsheet. It is the same as Google Sheets, Microsoft Excel Online lets us participate with others in real-time, gather solution in an online survey, and…
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How to Create and Open Workbooks?

How to Create and Open Workbooks? Excel files are known as workbooks. Whenever we start a new project in Excel, we’ll need to create a new workbook. There are different ways to start working with a workbook in Excel 2016. We can choose to create the new workbook?either with the blank workbook or the predesigned…
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What is Workbook Window?

What is Workbook Window? In Excel 2016, when we open up a new workbook, it now includes only one worksheet. There can be the max of 1,048,576 rows and 16,384 columns in an excel worksheet. Worksheet Excel files are known as workbooks. Each workbook hold one or more worksheets (also called a “spreadsheetsx”). Whenever we…
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