Category: MS Excel Tutorial

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Excel sumif Function

Excel sumif Function The SUMIF function is used to sum up the values of some specific cells of a column, the cells which meet certain criteria. The syntax of SUMIF function is: =SUMIF(range,criteria, [sum_range]) =SUMIF(range,criteria, [sum_range])<br /> So, the SUMIF function has three main parts: Range: It refers to range of cells that you want to…
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Excel Macros

Excel Macros By using Macro we can record a task. It is very useful when you have a task that you need to perform repeatedly. It speeds up the procedure and assures accuracy. How to open a macro: Open View tab. On the right end of the Ribbon you will find the macro button. Click…
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Excel Advanced If Functions

Excel Advanced If Functions =IF (AND(B3>50,C3>50),B3+C3,B3*C3) The IF function says if values of both cells B3 and C3 are greater than 50 then add these cells else multiply these cells. See the image given below. =IF(B4>AVERAGE(C4:C9),”cell B4>average”,””) The IF function says if value in cell B4 is greater than the average of the cells from…
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How to use COUNT, COUNTIF, and COUNTIFS Function?

How to use COUNT, COUNTIF, and COUNTIFS Function? Excel COUNT The COUNT function returns the absolute number of cells that include numbers. This count contains both Numbers and Dates. Syntax COUNT (value1, [value2]…) COUNT (value1, [value2]…)<br /><br /> Where the parameters, value1, [value2], etc. can be any values or authority to cell ranges. Example 1: The following…
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Excel If Function with Calculations

Excel If Function with Calculations “IF function” can be used in complex calculations. See the example: If a sales executive sells more than 5 items, the company will pay incentive 40 rupees per item sold and if the sales executive sells less than 5 items, the company will pay 20 rupees per item sold. See…
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Excel If Function

Excel If Function The IF function or IF statement in Excel is composed of three parts separated by commas. A condition What to display if the condition is fulfilled What to display if the condition is not fulfilled See how the “IF function” is created step by step to find the safe and unsafe travelling…
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Quick Excel Functions

Quick Excel Functions There are some quick functions in Excel that can provide you the statistics of your worksheet without using formulas such as Status Bar quick functions. See the image given below, as soon as you select the desired range you will get the statistics in the status bar, the average of numbers, the…
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Instruction while typing data in excel

Instruction while typing data in excel Type the values and text in separate cells else the formula will not work. See the example given below: In case you want to add currency symbol to values then use mini toolbar as shown in the image given below. Select the range of cells then right click. Mini…
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Excel Absolute Referencing

Excel Absolute Referencing Absolute referencing helps multiply multiple values with a particular value. See the image shown below. The list 1 values are multiplied by 4, value of cell C3. In this case, we will use symbol $ in the formula. So we have to modify the formula for that after entering the formula press…
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Excel Relative Referencing

Excel Relative Referencing Relative referencing tells that you don’t need to type the formula separately for each calculation in a column or a row. See the image: Type the formula in the first cell D3 and press Enter key to get the result, then use the fill handle. The formula will change automatically in the…
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