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CBSE Class 8 English Grammar Adjective

CBSE Class 8 English Grammar Adjective (a) Read the following sentences : 1. Apoorva is an intelligent boy. (What kind of boy ?) 2. I don’t like that house.  (Which house ?) 3. I have five books.  (How many books ?) 4. There is little time left. (How much time ?) In sentence 1, ‘intelligent’…
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CBSE Class 8 English Grammar Pronouns

CBSE Class 8 English Grammar Pronouns (a) We may say— Sheela is absent because Sheela is ill. But it is better to avoid the repetition of the noun Sheela, and say Sheela is absent because she is ill. Definition. A word that is used to replace a noun is called pronoun. (The word ‘Pronoun’ means…
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CBSE Class 8 English Grammar Participle

CBSE Class 8 English Grammar Participle Read the sentence : Going on the road, the boy met with an accident. The word ‘going’ qualifies the noun ‘boy’ as an adjective does. It is formed from the word ‘go’. The word ‘going’ therefore has something of an adjective and something of a verb too. Such words…
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CBSE Class 8 English Grammar Phrasal Verbs

CBSE Class 8 English Grammar Phrasal Verbs Prepositions may combine with verbs to form a type of compound verb. This verb + preposition is called phrasal verb. The meaning of a phrasal verb is quite different from the meaning of the verb without that preposition. Look at some examples. Verb Phrasal Verbs 1. Break break…
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CBSE Class 8 English Grammar Noun Phrase

CBSE Class 8 English Grammar Noun Phrase 1. Read the following sentences : I want something I want to read a book. The word something is a noun and is object of the verb ‘want’, in sentence (i). In the same way, the group of words ‘to read a book’ is the object of the…
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CBSE Class 8 English Grammar Nouns

CBSE Class 8 English Grammar Nouns Definition. Noun is the name given to a thing, person, object (animate or inani¬mate) or feeling : e.g., Ram, man, dog, book, tree, light, love etc. Kinds of Noun : Noun can be of two kinds : A. Countable nouns like book, man etc. B. Uncountable nouns like light,…
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CBSE Class 8 English Grammar Determiners

CBSE Class 8 English Grammar Determiners Note : Articles and possessive adjectives together are called determiners. Here, in this first chapter, we are dealing with articles only. The possessive adjective can be studied in chapter number 3. Three words—a, an and the are called articles. They are divided in two groups. A. The Definite Article…
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CBSE Class 8 English Description Writing

CBSE Class 8 English Description Writing A description is a set of characteristics by which someone or something can be recognised. We can describe people, places and events. By describing them we make a sketch in words so that the reader is able to get a clear picture of the described object. A good description…
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CBSE Class 8 English Dialogue Writing

CBSE Class 8 English Dialogue Writing A dialogue means conversation between two or more people. In fiction, dialogue is a verbal exchange between two or more characters. If only one person talks then it is a monologue. Dialogues are an effective tool of communication. They are a very important form of composition. The conversation may…
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CBSE Class 8 English Dairy Entry Writing

CBSE Class 8 English Dairy Entry Writing Diary entry is an informal and personal form of writing. A diary’ entry can be based on a personal experience, daily happenings or any important event of personal or public life. Most of the great men keep diaries in which they record their daily happenings and other important…
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